How to get along with the usage of face masks in this pandemic situation?


Studies have confirmed that the masks made out of cloth and certain other approved fabrics can curb down the spread of corona virus by 80% or more.

So, if each of the individual around wears these masks properly without fail, both the governments and the health authorities can tackle the COVID-19 transmission rate significantly.

Still, with a list of options available around, its quite hard for people to get their hands on the best masks and sanitizing wipes for covid. So, the big question here is – how to pick the best mask that carries the right quality and protection against Covid 19.

What’s the best quality mask for COVID-19 protection?

You may find lots of masks around that claims to be the best amongst the rest.  So, what’s the best mask depends on your daily lifestyle and schedule.

According to the researchers and random medical specialists, N-95 respirators without valves and, reusableface shield medical supply offer the best protection against the corona virus. And yes, the protection stays valid for both the mask wearer and the people around him. Still, these face masks holds crucial for all the health care workers that are in close proximity of the Covid-19 patients.

These masks are crafted to filter out all the aerosols, and not just droplets. Moreover, in terms of other critical circumstances, the sole objective of the mask is to stay protected from droplet transmission. Hence, bringing the disposable, medical-grade face masks and the ones with washable cloth, is highly recommended.

That’s the reason why most of the people from the common lot are suggested to wear the paper mask or the masks made by medical face shield manufacturers.

What is the best way to wear a mask to avoid the spread of the corona virus?

There are not different ways to wear a mask and everyone must wear it in a way that it covers the nose and mouth properly. Hence, one must pick the face mask that fits rightly to the mouth and nose. Beside, you must avoid any big gaps around the edges to avoid the spread of the droplets.

In case you are looking for a medical mask, ensure that the blue side goes outwards. The white side however must face the other part of the mouth. The top part of the mask must be indicated by the purple strip that needs to be attached across your nose.

Doing that, one must also wash your hands before wearing a mask, and must not let it hang around your neck and head.

Why Cloth masks are considered good ?

Cloth masks are deemed as good for curbing the spread of Corona virus .Still, you must use a face mask coming onboard with at least 3 layers of fabric. So, more the layers, better the protection will be from COVID-19. Studies have confirmed that masks made of different types of materials like cotton and polyester can also help in blocking the droplets to a big extent.

While using, you must also wash your face masks regularly. Ty going for machine wash while drying it without putting any change to its shape. Just in case the shape changes, try using a different mask altogether.


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